February 20, 2013

White Moon

White Moon in Lisbon

~ Love is so short, forgetting is so long ~

Lisbon night. Jan 2013


  1. Yes, sometimes it can be like that.

    Lovely night-time shot.

  2. My heart is warm with the friends I make,
    And better friends I'll not be knowing,
    Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take,
    No matter where it's going. /Edna St. Vincent Millay/

    So, be brave.

    1. "Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take,
      No matter where it's going."

      I do admire this inner freedom!

  3. That is so true Sophie. Lovely photo.

  4. In that one line, Pablo Neruda has summed up all of human existence, or at least a big part of it...
    Love the photo, Sophie!

  5. Very magic shot! To never forget.

    O gentle glitter of eternal beam!
    With what a such whiteness did it flow,
    O'erpowering vision in me! But so fair,
    So passing lovely, Beatrice show'd,
    Mind cannot follow it, nor words express
    Her infinite sweetness. [Dante]

    ...is Love as white as Moon?


~ Thank you ~

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